Nobody Cares About Your Fantasy Team
Fantasy Football is nice. It’s fun. It is one of the many factors that has made the NFL into the monster that it has become. But on the eve of the football season, I have a bit of advice for all fantasy football players out there: Nobody cares about your Fantasy Football team.
Like I said, Fantasy Football is a great way to care about whatever random game ESPN has on Monday Night Football, or a good way to have some fun around the office. But there is absolutely no reason to run around the office telling everyone else in your league about how great your team is. Because nobody cares.
As someone who didn’t play Fantasy Football the last four years, before being coaxed into it by a few co-workers, I can speak for football fans who don’t play Fantasy Football, and those who do.
We don’t care about that “steal” you got in the late rounds of the draft. We don’t care about the guy you plucked off the waiver wire and got you 20 points because of his random one week outburst. We don’t care if your quarterback got injured having a career year.
Talking about your fantasy football team might be the most boring conversation there is to have. It’s a one sided conversation, especially for the people like me who may not have played and have nothing to add. Trust me, I’ve gotten eye rolls and shocked reactions when I’ve told people I didn’t play Fantasy Football, and that’s why I am playing this year (in two leagues!!). But after that initial reaction, people would then go on to tell me all about their them. And all I could do is sit or stand across from whoever was talking to me, nod and say, “yup, that sucks,” or “wow, what a great week,” in the most mundane sounding tone.
I know it may sound exciting to talk about how great your team is doing, but even someone with a team simply doesn’t care what your team looks like. And someone who does have a team will simply want to out-brag you and tell you how great their team is.
It’s a similar situation to the NCAA Tournament and filling out a bracket. It’s actually the same thing. Brackets are a fun way to be involved in the office, they’re a fun way to know who to “root for” in all these games. But nobody wants to hear about how you picked the 15 over the 2.
You’ve stopped doing it with your bracket, stop doing it with your fantasy team. Because nobody else cares about your fantasy team.